Imagine a stack of resumes that is on your desk, ready to be sort out. Where do you begin? What will be the driving factor that puts you above the rest?
The same concept is applied when searching through LinkedIn profiles. How do you make yours stand out from the millions of people on LinkedIn?
Start with creating a strong professional headline. What is your professional headline? It’s the section underneath your name, where most people put the title of their position. You have 120 characters to leverage this piece that makes your profile stand out.
- Start with an adjective that describes you. This could be powerful, innovative, organized, or results-oriented.
- Add your role. This doesn’t need to be your specific title in your company either. Examples like this are sales executive or operations rockstar.
- Add an application in your business or system you use, like six sigma or specific sales automation software.
- Lastly, add who your target market, niche, or who you are looking to meet.
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