Rainmakers Downtown Launch a Success

Rainmakers Downtown Indy

Rainmakers Downtown Launch a Success

Guest post by Rainmakers member Nick Petrone, netlogx 

Greetings to all and thank you so much for ​giving your time to join the festivities for the inaugural Rainmakers’ Develop Downtown event.

The Rainmakers Team did their typical outstanding work ​in​ providing an excellent venue and warm hospitality. Wasn’t the Indiana Historical Society fabulous? I am embarrassed to say that I had never been inside until yesterday, ​however, ​I could see​ becoming a frequent patron in the future.

netlogx was delighted to be a sponsor for this first EVER Develop Downtown event!! Our excitement for this event stemmed from our deep concern and commitment to our community and our genuine desire to create GREAT, LOCAL jobs!! Personally, I had a great time yesterday and was enthralled with the amount of activity and vibrancy that is transpiring in Indianapolis, as shared by the feature speaker, Catherine Esselman of Downtown Indy, Inc. I was so excited by what she shared I quickly raised ​m​y hand at the end of her talk, hoping to ask her questions and learn more! Great stuff!

Rainmakers Downtown Indianapolis
Photo credit: Dave Meeker, BringingTechnology to You LLC

Nick Petrone is an Outreach Consultant at netlogx. netlogx is a consulting services organization with three core service offerings: Project Management, Information Management, and IT Security Management. They embrace the challenge of solving complex problems that result in their clients becoming BETTER, FASTER, CHEAPER at what they do!



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