Each month, the Business Leader Roundtable helps you identify top-of-mind business challenges and helps you learn innovative and foundational solutions. Tommy Richardson, Rainmakers Director of Training and Development, features a new discussion topic at each event, which addresses people, processes, leadership, and relevant general business topics. This is your opportunity to build relationships while gaining insights into key topics that affect you and your business. This roundtable is intended for Business Leaders.
This Month:
- Do You Need a Dose of Inspiration and Motivation?
- For Yourself and Others – team, customers, family, etc.
- There is a much-needed lift during the times we are finding ourselves in today.
- Learn the types of Motivation
- Which type is most relevant in today’s world?
- How to self motivate! Five key ideas to incorporate your own motivation.
- What has been proven to be the number one motivator performance?
- Are You a Transactional or a Transformative Leader?
- What’s the Difference?
- Learn a simple method for learning anything FASTER.
- incorporate this acronym: F A S T E R
Don’t miss the 3rd Thursday every month!