Why All Financial Roads Lead to Cash Flow – An In-Person Workshop

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Why All Financial Roads Lead to Cash Flow – An In-Person Workshop

Join us LIVE to Learn why all Financial Roads lead to Cash Flow!
  • Cash flow is one of the most critical components of success for a small or mid-sized business.
  • Without cash, profits are meaningless.
  • 82% of businesses FAIL because of Cash Flow, and 29% just flat run out of money.
Cash Flow Mapping lets you…
 > Forecast expenses
 > Prepare for dry months
 > Know what to charge your clients

Our Facilitator:

Jerry Vaughn, President

J. Galt Finance Suite



THANK YOU to Our Host:

Nexus Impact Center

Nexus is more than just a coworking space and venue location.  While we do have the typical benefits these spaces offer like high-speed internet and great coffee, we do things a little differently: our profits support social impact. Our pricing, amenities and flexibility are all designed to tear down walls for socially-minded companies and organizations to enable them to grow their impact.  While our mission and programs are focused on helping people embed sustainable social impact, our space and memberships are open to people of all walks of life looking for an economical space to work, meet and hold events, thereby contributing to social impact.


Date: June 22, 2022
Time: 8:30 am - 10:00 am
Event Categories: ,


Nexus Impact Center

9511 Angola Ct
Indianapolis, 46268

+ Google Map


Website: Visit Organizer Website