Use Seminars to Build Business Awareness

Use Seminars to Build Business Awareness

Are you looking for a new opportunity to market your business? Are traditional marketing solutions not getting you to your goal? Have you ever thought about hosting or running a seminar to drive awareness of your business? 

Hosting a seminar is another arm of your business marketing plan. Instead of having multiple media sources, like television or podcasts, have a person speak publicity and passionately about your business or topic of interest. The value of hearing and seeing a person speak face-to-face is powerful. You have the ability to create an environment and culture that can be more memorable than an ad or Facebook post.Endorse Indy Launch Party-22

If you decide to hold a seminar, here are some of my best practices on doing so.

  • Know everyone in the room. Grab a business card from everyone and greet people as they arrive for the event. Be sure to schedule time to for networking and mingling.
  • Set the stage. Share why your audience is there and what you will be asking of them at the end of main event in your opening. For more examples, check out my video on Indy BizTv Shows.
  •  Content! Content! Content! You want to share valuable information and leave your audience wanting more. 
  • Feedback forms. Have feedback forms to capture honest reactions. Include the next steps for your client and the call-to-action. Ask the person if they would like to be contacted to schedule a one-on-one consultation or talk further to see how you can help one another. On your form, you could include questions like
    • “How did you like the events?”
    • “How did you like the room?”
    • “Would you recommend this speaker again?”
    • What would you like to see (improvements) at the next event?”

If you are considering of holding a seminar in the near future, reach out to me for any help and go with your passion! 

For more information about leveraging seminars to grow your business, watch my short video.



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