Tags: customer service

customer retention

Customer Retention: Showing Love for Existing Customers

Sometimes auto correct can be prophetic. My friend’s phone accidentally spelled CrushLove instead of Customer Service. It got me to thinking about crushes and love and customer retention. (and what the heck is up with autocorrect?) Just like crushes that turn into mutual affection, customer relationships, cultivated properly, lead to loyal customers – one of […]

How Not to Exceed Customer Expectations

How Not to Exceed Customer Expectations

  This month’s Business Blaze speaker Amy Woodall debunked the myth of exceeding customer expectations in her presentation on how not to meet customer expectations. Confusing? Let me explain. Exceeding customer expectations is the mantra of the unimaginative – the phrase, even if you mean it, has no potency. According to Woodall, do the following […]

4 Things a Waiter Can Teach You About Customer Service

4 Things a Waiter Can Teach You About Customer Service

Expected or not, we all recognize good customer service when we experience it. At lunch with a friend, I met an impressive waiter. This blog post is dedicated to Kevin, our waiter, who gained a loyal customer and inspired a blog post (my gratitude was reflected in his tip). As business owners who want to […]