Main Event Entertainment
4016 E 82nd St.
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Each month, the Business Leader Roundtable helps you identify top-of-mind business challenges and helps you learn innovative and foundational solutions. Tommy Richardson, Rainmakers Director of Training and Development, features a new discussion topic at each event, which addresses people, processes, leadership, and relevant general business topics. This is your opportunity to build relationships while gaining insights into key topics that affect you and your business. This roundtable is intended for Business Leaders.
October Topic: Finish strong in the Fourth Quarter
I. Relationship Building
– DISC Behavior Study
– Understanding Self – Connect with others
II. Finish Strong
– 5 Keys to the GOAL Line
III. 3 Major Keys to Persuade Others!
– How do we convince a prospect or audience to take action on our concepts, ideas, service, or product?
IV. How FEAR holds us back and how to overcome it.
– We will discuss the 7 Most Common Archetypes — and give you the opportunity to access your top 3!
Don’t miss this Power-Packed 2 hours! Lots of opportunities for networking!
The purpose of the Business Leader Roundtable is to: Learn & Plan in an Accelerated Environment (Growth Minded) to Increase your Business and Personal Growth.
Don’t miss this session! Guaranteed to stretch your business and personal growth!
Be The Exception!!!
Don’t miss the 3rd Thursday every month!